As we celebrate Memorial Day weekend...reflecting on how much we have to be thankful for. I woke up this morning and there was oxygen all around me... still. Another day, another opportunity to express my thanks to God, in thought, in looking around at how blessed we are. Walking to the kitchen to make some coffee and glaze at the sweet family photos placed strategically in the right places of course on my path to my early destination, not to forget my dog Sammy who thinks I am a rock star by the way she yelps with excitement every single day as I walk past the glass door.
Life is short and we get so caught up and stuck in our daily routines to get to the weekend to yet, start the week all over again. Sometimes I think how in the world can we get so stuck.....when we have so much freedom around us. Maybe we have too many and it can be overwhelming so we stay where we are, comfortable.
This is the time to step up and make some new choices if you feel that you are needing a nudge
in a different direction.
Did you know that we are designed to move...forward! Start moving if you find yourself complacent.
How many people do you see walking and driving around during the day backwards, talking backwards and writing backwards? That's what I thought...everybody is moving forward in so many ways. So think of ways where you, are you "not moving forward"? Start making some simple changes. I'll help you brainstorm... (your welcome!)
Your health,
During your down time, are you experiencing maybe too much TV, engaging with people with true friends, not your million face book fans and tweeters that you don't know...really! Wardrobe overhaul, maybe you are stuck in a style that you still fit in, but you want or need a change. Maybe you have matured but your skincare and make-up choices haven't. Maybe you need to be the leader in your life and have positive impacts on people around you (by now), but you are still expecting others to be the impact on you.
Let's stay current in moving forward as we pack our purses each day.
So... what you are packing in your cosmetic bag today...or did you forget something?
Foundation: Does it match your true color? Are you covering up or enhancing what God gave you?
Eye Shadows: The colors of your life experience. Are you allowing the colors to change on you as they have changed life around you?
Lip liner: Are you letting the words from your heart, mind and lips be filtered through God's words to redefine how you speak, to others that help shape those around you.
Lip Gloss: Do you gloss over everything in life...or place it discreetly in careful, thought out ways to bring out only the best in yourself and others!
How do you want your life's face to be remembered each day? What kind of memories are you making?
Join me for a fun workshop of change!
Time for a real ladies night out? Grab your group of ladies and bring your cosmetic bag with you. Enjoy a two hour journey through your makeup bag and let's see what is working for you and what is not for only $25.00 each. Bring your own snacks and drinks. Location: My studio. Downtown Garland. Enjoy a fun workshop with some fresh make-up ideas & techniques to look and be your best today...not yesterday! We "all" can use a little help! Even the celebrities.
Book an event!