We ventured to Oklahoma this past weekend to support the efforts of "Dish Network" who sponsored an awesome benefit for those whose lives have been devastated by the recent tornados. Dish gave away over $10,000 of electronic items to those who were in need along with other people who volunteered to help with donated food, games, face painting along with lots of free copies of my book. The tears that flowed at this event could have easily been a rain storm.
While our Restoration-Hope 18-wheeler serves the purpose of hosting the VIP's at the events and building the stage for the main events, I offer a "beauty with purpose" segment as well. This segment will be featuring a woman and her story, private hair & make-up session, and a contemporary glamour shoot taken by my talented daughter Kendall.
(Moore, OK Event) Saturday afternoon a gentleman pulled up to the event in his truck and curious to what was going on. He and his children were spotted by our team member, Debbie, who chatted with him briefly. Debbie came and told me that she may have found a woman to be featured in my beauty with a purpose segment.
She took me to the gentleman in the truck, and after telling him what we were all about and what I wanted to do, he excitedly volunteered his wife! ...She was not with him initially so I waited until she arrived. When she arrived we introduced ourselves, hugged and walked to the building that my daughter and I had scouted out earlier to give her a full makeover and photo shoot.
Kara was a beautiful woman on the inside and out. She began telling me everything they have been going through as I began working on her. It was really hard to hold back tears as I imagined her family and so many lives being altered instantly in just a few seconds of disaster.
She and her family were actually headed out of town for a family vacation when the Oklahoma tornados hit. Her husband went back immediately to "watch over" the property to protect any possible things that my have survived it. Sadly, there are those people out there that take advantage of such events and rummage through the victims belongings, looking for valuable items.
"We lost everything but didn't lose a thing" Kara said. "When you have your family intact, you have the most precious things in your life. People / relationships are the most valuable commodity that we have."
When I finished with her hair and make-up my daughter Kendall began to photograph her. Kara said she had so much fun & felt so special with our beauty with purpose work. Kara is a beautiful woman of faith to begin with, and certainly encouraged us as she shared pieces of her life with us for a short time.
God certainly gives grace to those who need it, when they need it. When you see someone walk through difficult times with such faith and grace, they end up being a bigger blessing to the the ones trying to bless them initially.
When I finished with her hair and make-up my daughter Kendall began to photograph her. Kara said she had so much fun & felt so special with our beauty with purpose work. Kara is a beautiful woman of faith to begin with, and certainly encouraged us as she shared pieces of her life with us for a short time.
God certainly gives grace to those who need it, when they need it. When you see someone walk through difficult times with such faith and grace, they end up being a bigger blessing to the the ones trying to bless them initially.
Kara is a an incredible woman of faith who continues to look for ways to help others in need in spite of her own losses. I asked her what she needed at this point. She responded; I really don't "need" anything. But what I would "love" to have is a photo printer and scrap booking supplies to start making memories with my family again.
Christmas decorations as the holidays approach are so special to our family.
One thing that really struck me as she trusted me with her heart, was how it is a struggle to get your identity back after a disaster. Everything you own that was an expression of your style and your life of accumulated loves . . . exists no more. Your clothes, your personal home decor that have been collected over the years, the memories of all your photos, hygiene items, jewelry . . . I could go on and on but you get the picture.
The guilt that seems to enter into the minds of those effected that says; "you shouldn't focus on yourself, there are too many needs. You shouldn't care about your style, just be thankful the clothes donated to you fit, if your lucky. You shouldn't care what kind of pet food your animals receive, if they are hungry enough they'll eat anything. It is sad that victims are expected to have a "settle with what you are given" mentality, as if their preference, opinion or taste should never matter again as they try to get back to a new normal.
All I now is that "guilt does not come from God". It is the deceiver of the enemy.
Romans 8:1 There is then now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.
It is ok to want to put yourself together with the expression of your style once again and get back to your new normal as quick as you can. Once a person is back on track feeling like oneself again, how much better can one serve and do unto others as we would love to be treated.
Romans 8:1 There is then now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.
It is ok to want to put yourself together with the expression of your style once again and get back to your new normal as quick as you can. Once a person is back on track feeling like oneself again, how much better can one serve and do unto others as we would love to be treated.
I could not have met a more deserving person for this beauty blessing of inspiration.
Kara said that when she looked at other residents piles, it just looked like a big garbage dump, but when she got to her own, it was more than junk, memories flooded her mind as she identified pieces of what had been left behind.
It is amazing how one house can be wiped wiped out completely but yet a neighbors house can be barely touched. We saw some homes that looked like they were completely vacuumed up with no mess anywhere to pick up.
The family will hopefully be rebuilding their home soon on their existing lot. They were residents for 15 years creating a stable place of refuge and love for their family.
Though this life we live is temporary and we cannot take things with us when we leave, it "is" an expression of who we are and does give us a sense of refuge to serve others from.
I pray that all the victims find true restoration in all areas of their life and get their sense of identity back, along with their place of rest. How we relate and help others in times of need is a big part of what life is all about.
I hope you will look for ways to reach out to others in need around you. We don't have to look very far or wait for a natural disaster.
I hope you will look for ways to reach out to others in need around you. We don't have to look very far or wait for a natural disaster.
Here is Kara after her hair and make-up session and the results of her shoot. We had so much fun with her and she expressed how beautiful and special she felt as we pampered her.
Her experience was exactly what we wanted to give to her that day, our beauty mission was accomplished!
Now she has these amazing new photos of herself to document the beginning of her new normal.
May God richly bless you in your efforts as you reach out to help others!